Embracing the Studio: My Journey into Studio Photography in 2024

As a portrait and fashion photographer, I’ve always found myself drawn to the spontaneity and authenticity of outdoor shoots. The idea of working in a studio, with its controlled environment and artificial lighting, didn’t quite resonate with me. But as I delve deeper into helping people build their portfolios, I’ve come to realise that at some point, the studio becomes an inevitable part of the journey.

The Turning Point

What changed, you ask? It was my newfound understanding of flash photography. I’ve always been technical, but when it came to photography, I preferred the simplicity of working with natural light. The sun, in all its glory, just exists. You work around its schedule, adjust your settings to its whims, and voila - you have your shot!

Flash, on the other hand, felt like a different beast altogether. It was about creating light, about knowing how much power you need in comparison to the camera settings. It was a challenge, but one that I was ready to take on.

Testing the Waters

With this new understanding, I decided to test the waters and see if having a studio was something I wanted in the future. After all, if I were to run my own studio someday, I needed to know the quirks and intricacies that come with it.

The Allure of the Studio

One thing I’ve noticed is that people love a studio. Come rain or shine, nothing can stop a photoshoot inside a studio. Without the distractions of the outside world, people seem more open to trying new things - be it experimenting with clothing, makeup, or even the occasional nude shoot, if that’s what they’re into.

A Year of Experimentation

2024, is my year of experimentation as a photographer. I’ve been floating, exploring, learning, and unlearning. I’m going to learn a lot this year and find out what I want to be as a photographer in the Fashion & Modelling space.

So here’s to embracing the studio, to stepping out of my comfort zone, and to the exciting journey that lies ahead. As I navigate this new path, I look forward to sharing my experiences, learnings, and of course, the beautiful images that come along the way.


Get off the internet and start being a photographer who photographs.


Navigating Life’s Challenges as a Photographer