Metty Unuabona - London Based Documentary and Portrait Photographer

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Competitive Friendship in Photography

In the dynamic world of photography, I’ve discovered a unique blend of competition and camaraderie. I’m fortunate to count many fellow photographers as my friends. While we compete professionally, our rivalry is healthy and constructive, pushing us to continually improve our craft and redefine our creative boundaries.

We’re all on similar yet distinct paths. Some of us are agency photographers, others are freelancers like myself, and some are sponsored by photo agencies. Our work varies, but we cheer each other on because we believe in our collective right to belong in this space. We understand that each of us brings a unique perspective to the table, and we celebrate these differences as they enrich our collective work and experiences.

Our group is a diverse mix of individuals, ranging in age from 18 to 50+. This diversity, rather than creating divisions, brings us closer. Our shared passion for photography transcends our differences, fostering a sense of community and mutual respect. It’s this commonality that binds us together, creating a network of support and inspiration.

Even those we’re merely acquainted with within the larger circle are not considered enemies. In this creative field, there’s room for everyone. We understand that each photographer brings a unique perspective and style, enriching the industry as a whole. We celebrate each other’s successes and learn from each other’s experiences.

However, like any community, we do have a few individuals who create problems. But we handle these situations by distancing ourselves from them and ensuring others are aware of their actions. Despite these few instances, the photography scene is generally filled with kindness and support. We believe in fostering a positive environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

This competitive friendship among photographers is a testament to the inclusive and encouraging nature of the photography community. It’s a reminder that while photography is often a solitary pursuit, we’re part of a larger community that shares our challenges, celebrates our victories, and understands our passion.

So here’s to competitive friendship - may it continue to inspire us, challenge us, and remind us of why we fell in love with photography in the first place. As we navigate our individual paths, we know we’re not alone. We have a community that supports us, understands us, and pushes us to be better. And that’s the beauty of competitive friendship in photography.